COVID Early Treatment Champion Dr. Peter McCullough Files to Dismiss His Decertification by American Board of Internal Medicine for Speaking Truth About mRNA Shots

Dr. Peter McCullough, world-renowned cardiologist and internist, is fighting back against the radicalized American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM), which stripped him of his board certifications in internal medicine and cardiology because of his testimony in Senate subcommittee hearings regarding the risks of the COVID-19 “vaccines” – information that countered that of the federal government.

In comments to The Star News Network, McCullough provided the following update:

On November 7, ABIM received a request to dismiss the matter on 1) procedural grounds: lack of due process, ex post facto examination of my testimony, violated procedures of evidence; 2) substantive grounds: ABIM produced a scientifically incorrect estimate of lethality risk of SARS-CoV-2 and this was rebutted by me with the correct CDC estimates.

“I expect prompt dismissal,” McCullough added. “If not, I will proceed with a lawsuit in civil court while I appeal internally with ABIM.”

On October 29, McCullough sent the following comments to Steve Kirsch, executive director of the Vaccine Safety Research Foundation (, who reported them at his Substack column. McCullough’s statement shows how he is gradually being “cancelled” by the radicalized medical establishment for not caving to the government’s false, politically based “science,” as he educates Americans about the risks of the mRNA shots and the benefits of early COVID treatment with long-established and inexpensive drugs:

I was terminated as the Editor-In-Chief of Cardiorenal Medicine and Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine after years of service and rising impact factors. There was no phone call, no board meeting, no due process. Just e-mails or certified letters. Powerful dark forces are working in academic medicine to expunge any resistance to the vax.

Yesterday I was stripped of my board certifications in Internal Medicine and Cardiology after decades of perfect clinical performance, board scores, and hundreds of peer reviewed publications.

None of this will stop until there is a “needle in every arm.”

In March, the medical journal Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (RCM) published its version of McCullough’s termination:

Dr. Peter A. McCullough has been serving as one of co-editors of Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine (RCM) during the years 2009–2018. He took the the [sic] Editor-in-Chief role of RCM from 2019 to March 2022. RCM has achieved a lot with the great assistance from Dr. Peter A. McCullough, especially during his term of office as the Editor-in-Chief, and we had an eminent cooperation with him. Our authors were from 53 countries by the year of 2021. Now it becomes a truly international publication. Besides, impact factor of RCM increased to 2.930 (2020 JCR report) from 0.4, and an estimated impact factor of 2021 should be even higher than 3. We are looking forward to the release of new impact factor this summer and would like to serve more scholars from all over the world.

However, much to our regret, Dr. Peter A. McCullough stepped down from his Editor-in-Chief role in the journal last week as his term of office was ended in early March. On behalf of the journal publisher, IMR Press, and all the Editorial Board members of RCM, we gratefully acknowledge Dr. Peter A. McCullough’s continued time and efforts on the journal development. The journal could not achieve such a great success without his help. We wish him and his family all the best.

“Peter McCullough is an author of 677 articles published in the scientific peer-reviewed journals,” Kirsch wrote. “He’s one of the most respected cardiologists in the world. He’s been right about everything throughout the pandemic. He has an encyclopedic memory of every paper he’s ever read. And he’s just a wonderful, nice person to boot. You really never met a nicer guy.”

“He’s sacrificed everything so he can speak the truth about the COVID policies,” he continued. “If there was one COVID advisor that the government should be listening to, Dr. Peter McCullough would be at the top of every list. So how is he being rewarded for having the courage to speak the truth?”

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Susan Berry, PhD, is national education editor at The Star News Network. Email tips to [email protected].
Photo “Peter McCullough, MD” by Peter McCullough, MD.




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One Thought to “COVID Early Treatment Champion Dr. Peter McCullough Files to Dismiss His Decertification by American Board of Internal Medicine for Speaking Truth About mRNA Shots”

  1. DonX

    Good luck doc. You’re a true hero for taking a stand and suffering the consequences. I’m with 100%.
